Of course, every company needs a brand. But do you know the “WHY” behind branding? Why should you brand your business at all? Well, here are some of the top 3 reasons why you NEED to create a cohesive branding to back up your business:
WHO ARE YOU? Your branding literally speaks volumes before you can. It shows your audience who you are and what your business “vibe” is through color (color psychology) fonts, and elements that you present.
Have you ever noticed when thinking about your favorite brands that there is something that is similar within their branding? I would guarantee you it’s a unconscious factor as to why they made an impact on you.
SAVE YOUR TIME: Having a set look and set colors will save you plenty of headaches down the road. Having a branding board set, you’ll never again have to scroll through fonts, colors or images trying to find that perfect design. You’ll know exactly what to use.
BE REMEMBERED: Have you ever scrolled on social media and saw a post where you think without looking at the account... “wow, this reminds me of (this person/brand) or your brain automatically assumes its that person? This is a vital trait to have as a brand. You want your brand to be so consistent and known that even when your audience sees other designs (products, designs, quotes etc.) they think of you.
About The Author:
Founder of Tanya M. Sousa, Virtual Assistant Services.
Over the past 12 years she have worked with many small business owners and entrepreneurs- from small shops, automotive sales, real estate, medical research to health and wellness experts! Her main goal is to streamline businesses and help build and develop their brand. Tanya has always had a passion for helping